
focused on the imminent announcement, Jostin Sol is set to shake up the meme coin space!

Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst
Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst

Who is Jostin Sol?

As the clock ticked closer to the anticipated moment, Jostin Sol's Twitter feed buzzed with excitement, each retweet and like adding fuel to the fire of anticipation. With a single tweet, Jostin Sol teased, "Brace yourselves, fellow memecoin enthusiasts. Big news dropping soon!”

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey with $Jostin, also known as Jostin Sol. We're on the brink of a groundbreaking announcement !

With a narrative focused on innovation and community-driven initiatives, Jostin Sol is poised to revolutionize the meme coin space on Solana, setting new standards and pushing boundaries like never before.

Stay tuned for our major announcement, coming soon!

Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst

Token Information

Modern Shapes and Frames Line Burst
  • Relaunch on PumpFun
  • LP Burned after PumpFun
  • Ownership Renounced

Contract Address: Coming Soon

Modern Burst Frames

Let's Build $Jostin Together!